Blood Grouping History

Blood Grouping History

Blood Grouping History

When the eighth pope had a stroke in 1492, doctors thought he was bleeding somewhere. To save the pope, blood was drawn from the bodies of three ten-year-old boys and made to drink. . Since there was something called blood vessels then, that was not known. So everyone thought that if blood was eaten, it would enter the body. The blood of those three children was taken in exchange for only one gold coin. Sadly, three children died as a result of taking blood. But the Pope survived. Everyone thought he had survived because of that blood. The following year the Pope died of a second stroke without any announcement.

Since then no one has dared to donate blood. About 170 years later, a gentleman named Dennis injected sheep’s blood into humans. That person died in reaction. In the meantime, William Harvey described the CVS system. All blood flow is then clear to the human world.

Animal-Human blood donation was stopped by law in 1680 because there was no document of success. Gradually people began to know the quality of blood.

First Blood Grouping

Finally, in 1818, a physician named James Blundell was the first to successfully transfuse blood from person to person. Although he did not know about ABO and Rh group then. The first patient was a mother who had severe post-partum hemorrhage after delivery. . Her husband’s blood was given.

In 1901, Carl Landsteiner discovered the ABO blood group system. In this way, even though the color of the blood is the same, the characteristics inside are different, it becomes clear. He rediscovered the Rh group again in 1940, which we can understand as positive-negative blood.

In 1926, the Red Cross launched the first blood transfusion service in England. In 1914, Houston used the first anticoagulant in the blood to prevent blood from clotting.

The donor system for blood donation was introduced in 1941. Syphilis testing began in 1947 before blood donation. In 1949 the first blood bank system was introduced in America.

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  • Abhishek Reply

    Give me a link bro

    October 7, 2021 at 1:02 pm

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