Tag - bgmi high damage config

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A mysterious object located just 4,000 light-years from Earth, it releases a giant burst of energy three times an hour – and it’s different than any astronomers have seen before.

  A mysterious object, unlike anything astronomers, have ever seen in space "Sooky" was found to release a giant energy burst three times an hour The minute 20th discovery is one of the brightest destinations in the night sky The target can be a neutron star or a white dwarf with a very strong...

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Is the Deltacron Next ?

A Cypriot researcher is said to have identified "Deltacron", a variant of the coronavirus believed to combine Delta and Omicron A Cypriot researcher believes he has identified a new variant of the coronavirus. Professor Leondios Kostrikis says his team has found 25 cases he calls "Deltacron." Deltacron is believed to be a combination...

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The Evolution of Mechanical television since 1843

Overview The concept of television was created by many individuals in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and its roots date back to the 18th century. The first practical transmissions of moving images via a radio system used mechanically rotating perforated plates to scan the scene into a time-varying signal that could be reconstructed...

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The Evolution of Headphones since 1890

A brief history of headphones The Evolution of Headphones Beginning - 1890 The headset started with the phone operators - It was one headset that rested on the user’s shoulder and weighed over 10 pounds. Shortly thereafter came the Electrophone. Invented in the UK in the 1890s, this subscription service (£ 5 a year) allowed customers to call...

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10 Latest Automotive Technology Innovations from the Last Decade

Wherever you are in the world, there is one thing you cannot avoid, and that is the fact that the automotive world has come a long way and continues to evolve rapidly. Cars have improved significantly over the years, and manufacturers are working to supply more efficient models on a regular basis. From seat...

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The best Kitchen technical gifts for everyone on the Christmas shopping list

The best Kitchen technical gifts for everyone on the Christmas shopping list smart writing kit 1 . Smart writing kit Brilliant ideas come easier when a pen and paper are in hand. And when these ideas can be downloaded to digital devices from that pen and paper, the splendor is every day. 2. Oura Ring Generation 3 One of...

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Why does life flash before your eyes in a life-threatening situation?

When Tony Kofi was a 16-year-old construction apprentice in Nottingham, he fell off the third floor of the building. Time seemed to slow down tremendously, and he saw a complex series of images flash in front of his eyes. He described it: “I saw many, many things in my mind: children I hadn’t even had...