Online Games are for Fun or Addiction

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Online Games are for Fun or Addiction

Online games are good to go before addiction.

Gaming is fun no matters online or offline. Due to the advancement of technology people are getting lesser time to play outdoor games. Therefore Online Video games are getting popular day by day. Nowadays lots of online games forms are evolving. Some of them are FIFA Online, cricket online, pubg, free fire and so on. Though there is a big argument whether online games are safer for health or not but the popularity of online games is getting higher every moment. 

The recent covid pandemic made the popularity of online games at a new higher level. People are confined in the rooms they are not allowed in any outsides for playing games, therefore people are playing online games to Pass their unlimited idle time. Some people told earlier that online games have no benefits but health problems and social unrest but in this pandemic, these online games save millions of people from home frustration.

The Best Gaming Forms

There are lots of online games are available at this time but online games that have action-based stories are becoming more popular among the young generation. There are lots of online games based on action stories but a few of them achieved global recognition. Pubg Lite, free fire, Call of Duty, mobile Legend bang bang are the most popular games in this segment. In recent times a ban was imposed on pubg in India as a result they created a game that was based on pubg called Battleground in India. This game is also getting popular day by day but still, this game is only allowed to play only inside India. 

yes, it’s true that different people have different mindsets for games but the main object of the game should be fun, it should not be an addiction to any of them. It is true that we have an argument on online playing or Computer-Based play but at one point we all are on one plate that is online gaming should be fun. As long as it is for fun it is good for health it is good for society it is good for the future generation. Only the addiction is bad for this generation even far worse for future generations.

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