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A 1-mile stretch of road will be built in Detroit that can charge electric cars while driving – if the owners install a special receiver

  • Electreon Wireless is building a mile-long area in Detroit that will charge electric cars while driving.
  • The company said the road will be fully operational by 2023 for electric cars with a special receiver.
  • Charging infrastructure is a major barrier to electric vehicles

A startup is building the first road in the United States to allow the conversion of converted electric cars while driving.

The company, based in Electreon Wireless, Tel Aviv, Israel, is partnering with Ford and DTE to bring its wireless charging technology to Detroit next year. The company said it has already deployed its infrastructure on roads in Sweden, Israel, and Italy.

The electrified road spans about a mile and is located near Detroit’s Michigan Central Terminal, an abandoned train station that Ford is turning into a “mobility innovation zone”. The state of Michigan plans to contribute $ 1.9 million to a project that Electreon said will be fully operational by 2023.

The road charges electric vehicles, whether they are in motion or at a standstill, by an inductive charge that uses a magnetic frequency to transfer power from the metal windings buried under the road to a special receiver below the electric vehicle. . Although the road works normally in all gas cars and electric cars that do not have a receiver, Axios estimates that installing a special receiver will cost about $ 3,000 to $ 4,000 per car. However, Electreon told the release that they hope to get the price closer to $ 1,000 to $ 1,500.

The Future

Ultimately, wireless charging could help alleviate range anxiety and facilitate the mass deployment of Electreonic ones. Charging infrastructure is a major barrier to the deployment of electric vehicles. Insider’s Dominick Reuter said earlier that one in five electric car owners have switched back to gas cars because charging was too “awkward.” According to data received by JD Power in 2021, anxiety related to the battery life of an electric car is the primary factor limiting the commercial viability of vehicles.

“As we strive to lead the future of mobility and electrification by increasing production of electric vehicles and lowering consumer costs, the wireless road charging system is the next piece in the puzzle of sustainability,” Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer said in a press release.

Electreon is one of many companies that advertise wireless charging options for electric cars. Insider’s Alexa St. John said earlier that the Israeli company is one of six competitors that could benefit from a market that could reach $ 207.5 billion over the next decade.

The concept of wireless electric car charging is not far new. In 1986, California tested the wireless charging option on road-powered cars in its Partners for Advanced Transit and Highways (PATH) program. In recent years, companies like Apple and Samsung have also promoted wireless charging for phones. Overall, however, wireless charging companies have fallen as hardware has proven to be expensive and often heavy.

Insider has previously reported that researchers at Cornell University are working to create a wireless charging process for U.S. highways that would use electric fields instead of magnetic fields – a switch that leading researcher Khurram Afridi said would make the process cheaper and produce more energy.

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